I get sick of seeing people constantly on their cell phones.
I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Whenever I mention my annoyance to other people, they look at me and nod their heads. And then they tilt their heads back down and continue texting.
So I might not be the only one, but I may be the only one who's not a hypocrite.
Now I understand that if you have a secret boyfriend you can't meet in person, texting and Facebook messaging might be the only contact you have over a weekend, but is it really too much to stop it for ten minutes during dinner?
Or to not have headphones in during a single 5-minute car ride to the pizza place?
Or to not be snapping and uploading pictures of yourself during a family gathering, while watching a video of your cousin (me) performing, that you specifically asked to see?
And don't get me started on the people on phones during a show itself. I understand that you might be more interested in videotaping a concert than watching it yourself, but seriously, the light from the screen is screwing up everyone else's vision and your giant iPhone is blocking my line of sight.
And I understand that you might not be interested in watching a symphony orchestra and that you might just be there because your best friend is performing, but do you really need to tweet about how bored you are during a performance of Bruch's Violin Concerto in A minor that took four months to learn?
I've even seen people (my orchestra stand partner, to specify) texting during rehearsals. Every time the conductor cuts us off to correct something, she will pick up her phone- which is on the stand, usually vibrating and shaking the music- and quickly tap out a text to either her boyfriend or one of 5+ exes.
I just don't understand it.
And what about those people who text friends while hanging out with other friends? I mean, if you say, "We have to hang out soon, because we haven't seen each other in so long!" I expect that you're actually interested in talking to me, not texting "i luhh youuu and we need to hanggg" to a kid you saw half an hour ago, while complaining to me about how much they annoy you. I don't think it is as much as you annoy me right now.
I'm not saying I'd like to confiscate the entire world's phones and burn them to black ash in a raging inferno (maybe just my stand partner's...), but can we all agree to take a rest during social situations? How many conversations can you really hold at once? Skilled multitaskers of the world may disagree (oh wait, they don't exist), but I can only have one. And really, if you're so bored during the one exchange, then maybe you should find some new friends who don't leave you wanting an escape every time you talk.
Your thumbs will thank you.
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