

(For this ^, I was looking up The Hunger Games- a book my entire school read.)


The League of Nations was formed against zombies.

A Very Comprehensive Hunger Games Playlist!

  1. Katniss takes Prim's place in the Games: Soldier's Poem - Muse
  2. Katniss in the Capitol: The Good Life - OneRepublic
  3. Katniss sizes up her opponents: Know Your Enemy - Green Day
  4. Peeta tells Katniss he wants to be more than another piece in the Games: Hurricane - Thirty Seconds to Mars OR Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
  5. Katniss searches for water: Chasm - Flyleaf
  6. The Gamemakers shoot fireballs at the tributes: Let the Flames Begin - Paramore
  7. Katniss takes Glimmer's bow: Let's Kill Tonight - Panic at the Disco
  8. Rue dies: Lithium - Evanescence
  9. Katniss avenges Rue's death: Murder - Within Temptation
  10. Katniss and Peeta team up: Monster - Paramore
  11. Peeta relies on Katniss to survive: The Only Hope For Me is You - My Chemical Romance
  12. Katniss tries to outsmart the other tributes and Gamemakers to survive: Renegade - Paramore
  13. Katniss and Peeta take the nightlock: Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
  14. The Gamemakers decide that both can be victors: Stairway to the Skies - Within Temptation
  15. Peeta realizes Katniss doesn't really love him: I Don't Love You - My Chemical Romance
  16. Katniss finds out she could be in trouble for her actions: When They Come For Me - Linkin Park


Why I support socialism... (just for fun)

1.) Prices of water in movie theaters- $5? Are you freaking kidding me?

2.) I won't have to worry about getting a good education to get a job- the government will provide for me!

3.) Those "highered wages". (see yesterday's letter)

4.) Government will take over Abercrombie and Hollister! Maybe they'll institute proper lighting.

5.) I've always wanted another country's president to visit the US and say "I am a jelly donut" and "Tear down this border wall!"
(I know those were two different presidents.)

6.) Free trade is overrated, anyways. We get everything from China anyways.


Paper Flowers

Dear dumb girls in my history class,

You know something's wrong when the teacher has to go around to every group and ask them if they understand the directions. The directions were to go on a website with sections and read the section assigned to you.

It's not that hard.

Don't read the whole thing.

If you don't get it, you should not be in this class. Just sayin

And you definitely shouldn't be using the Google Doc chat box for this...

Especially when you don't know how to do "dis assignment".

And this makes no sense:

"The smart group".


If I can learn how to do this, I will be able to die happy.



Screw your candy hearts and artificially colored red roses.

Screw one-day relationships and finding your "valentine".

Screw everything the love industries say you need to BUY BUY BUY!

Pink and fluffy makes me feel sick.

If a winged baby tried to shoot me, I'd shoot it back.

I haven't gotten a single Flower Gram and I'm happy with being "forever alone".

I can love without having to prove it through my wallet.

If you love someone, why do you have a special day to celebrate it instead of celebrating it every day?


High school is just a sociological experiment.

What happens when you take a couple hundred teenagers, all with their own personalities and priorities, and lock them inside a cramped building for eight hours a day, five days a week while adults tell them what they don't know?

What happens when you take artists, athletes, scholars, and delinquents and filter them through the same mold? Human blocks in round holes?

I sometimes think teachers are selected just for their personalities. The pushovers, the hardasses, the ones who clearly hate children... All this is done to make us react. It's just like a Gamemaker trap. If they think something's getting boring, add a substitute or a new student.

It really is interesting to see how people react. Some of them regress to an infantlike state where their personal happiness depends on objects outside of themselves (thanks, Freud). They have no identity outside of their own group or "clique". Some of them attach themselves to their boyfriend or girlfriend, constantly causing drama because of their low self-esteem and need for reassurance. Others isolate themselves completely from the rest of the student body, choosing not to stoop to their shallowness. Other students partially isolate themselves by deciding who to associate with, usually students with the same values and feelings. Finally, some students begin as the first type of student, doing childish things for their peers' approval. They eventually grow out of the stage and as they mature, begin looking down on their friends' behavior. They no longer understand what the appeal of fitting in is. These students are the most mature of the student body, able to understand the system for what it is- an experiment meant to test us.

(It makes sense, doesn't it?)


Why blogging is better than Facebook.

1.) You aren't obliged to follow anyone's blog just because they're your mom's half-sister's third cousin.

2.) You don't have to use your real name when you blog. You can use your Killjoy name, like me.
(props to anyone who understands)

3.) No duckfaces. Except cute ones, like this:

4.) No LMS posts. And if some attention whore posts "I'm ugly", you can just unfollow her.

5.) Trolling is easier, especially when #2 is in effect. (Absolutely a good thing.)

6.) Pointed passive-aggressive posts are encouraged, as long as they're entertaining.

7.) Stuff you blog might actually matter. Whereas, no one ever changed the world through Facebook. (Except in Tunisia, and Egypt, and what was my point again?)

8.) Blogger doesn't constantly ask you "Do you know these people?" or encourage you to "Find More Friends!" because the 120 friends the average Facebook user has (it probably rises to about 300 for high school students) aren't enough.
(Anyone else find this creepy and intrusive?)

9.) You can share more than just misspelled statuses, drunk pictures, and "LIKE THIS PAGE" links. And if you decide to share your location, Blogger won't pinpoint it on a map for your friends to see.

10.) Dumb people generally don't blog.


Chem lab rocks.

Today, my teacher handed out some white tablets to us. We cut them into small pieces with rusty razor blades. Then, we ground up the pieces with a mortar and pestle. Dust was everywhere, and we cut lines through it with the razor blade to make the portions equal. Losing some would have been terrible. When you get your hands on some, you have to use it well.

It was Alka-Seltzer.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

My teacher was the first to make this analogy, and half the class didn't understand it.

Dear marching band...

False. Guard strips.


True story.

Dumb Girl #1: "Is socialism good or bad?"
Teacher: "Make your own decision! You have a brain!"
Student behind me: "Allegedly."


Do you see the difference?

Anti-Immigration propaganda under Bush

Anti-Jewish propaganda under Hitler

I don't.


Dear dumb girl in my math class,

Okay, so the teacher showed us a picture of Vatican City and explained that at .17 square miles, it is the world's smallest city.
The picture does not show the entire city. It shows only a part of the city. The actual city is bigger.
As you can see, the picture shows blacktop. No one lives in it. No, it is not "like, a playground", and as for the rest of the city, the population of about 800 contains the Pope, his Cardinals, and other Church members. The Pope has his own city/country, because he is the most important figure in Catholicism. But you should have learned that in the AP European History class you also take.
^This was the picture.