
Do you have a problem with people saying "Merry Christmas"?

I don't. I don't mind if Christians tell me Merry Christmas or Jews say Happy Hanukkah. First Amendment protects peoples' rights to say these things. I don't have a problem with religious icons or Christmas music either. People have the right to share these things, as long as they aren't preaching. Saying Merry Christmas isn't preaching, it's sharing your views. The other person has every right to say Happy Holidays back if they don't agree.


What I asked for for Christmas.

Dear freshmen in my choir class,

We have a freaking concert tonight, and you still don't know the song?!
Wait... not now...
That's the tenor entrance. Not the sopranos'.

Don't blame the director for going crazy and almost banning you for singing. If you can't even hit a D, you shouldn't be a soprano.

The only girl in the class who's singing.

P.S. I won't be singing this in the concert. You're on your own.


Faith in humanity gone.

The secret to school success...

People need to stop flipping out about tests and grades. In my humble opinion (backed by scientific studies and personal experience), stressing out just makes it worse. Not to mention that grades are only the means to an end, not an all-consuming pursuit towards something with no bearing on anything that actually matters.

If that makes any sense at all. No wonder my English grade is dropping.

[Continuation of post deleted.] 
I see:

I think:

I do:
Flickr's picture. Not mine.
Unproductivity FTW!


I am done with writing letters.

When you have to ask, "Does challenge mean agree with or disagree with?" and think you can justify it under context of a revolutionary shift in thinking, it is time to get out of the AP History class. In fact, I no longer know how you passed that Synonyms and Antonyms test in 5th grade.


This weekend I went to Walmart and saw the strange sight of a man and a woman, both Indian, dressed in thick sweatshirts with fur collars, baggy jeans, and ratty old flip-flops. Now, it was barely above freezing in our part of the country. The couple was lingering beside the checkouts, evidently dreading stepping outside into the cold.

I don't know about you, but when I see someone dressed like this, I want to say, "Namaste, good sir, what time did your plane land?"


Dear dumb girl in my honors English class,

When the teacher gives an option to either write an essay or take a test to finish up a unit, obviously, the point values of each must be the same to make it a fair deal. Yes, this is fair. No, the essay should not have a greater point value for being "harder".

Sincerely, don't ever become a teacher.



Rebecca Black's new album is supposed to come out on 12/21/12, the day of the supposed apocalypse..

Rebecca's future plans are to go on tour, get a Grammy nomination, and possibly begin acting. She wants to be in Twilight. *headdesk*

In conclusion,
Killjoys say GTFO.